This is a port of the zdog pseudo 3D engine for R.
Install the latest Rstudio to make sure it works well with the built in viewer. Some elements appears to misbehave in older versions.
As the zdog’s author states
Zdog is a 3D JavaScript engine for canvas and SVG. With Zdog, you can design and render simple 3D models on the Web. Zdog is a pseudo-3D engine. Its geometries exist in 3D space, but are rendered as flat shapes. This makes Zdog special.
Can rdog make renderings that look better than rayshader or rayrender? No. We have no perspective, no distance blurring, no lighting simulation, no shadows. You have objects in a 3D space and they tend to look cute with minimal effort. It has a nice natural aesthetic that I happen to like.
One advantage is that output of rdog is an htmlwidget and the rendering is done through javascript objects by the browser. Images are rendered into a canvas or an svg context. This is particularly nice for shiny apps since rendering is outsourced to the users’ browser and the rendered objects can be manipulated with relative ease through javascript or wrapper functions provided in the package.
Taking a look at the zdog api will give you a good idea how things work. Variable names and defaults are preserved. The only major difference is the use of piping to create a single illustration object with all the elements.
An animated illustration can be created by adding elements to an illustration using %>%
. Each shape can be added to the illustartion itself (default), or to another existing shape which will be used as a reference point. Here a box is created placed on y = -20
. The next element is an ellipse which is added to the box which places it in the middle of the box. All shape functions start with shape
To add text, a font should be added first. zfont_font(id = 'font')
creates one with the default font, “Roboto-Regular”. Different fonts can be used if you have the ttf
Finally, animations are also added to elements or the entire illustration. Here animation_rotate
is added to the ellipse and animation_ease_in
is added to the box which makes them rotate at different rates. animation_none
will not move the objects but creates the loop required for dragRotate
to work.
illustration('illo',width = 250,height = 250, dragRotate = TRUE) %>%
shape_box(id ='cornell',
width = 150,
height = 150,
depth = 150,
translate = c(y = '-20'),
rotate = c(x = -tau/20,y = tau/16),
stroke = 1,
color = '#C25',
leftFace = 'red',
rightFace = 'darkgreen',
topFace = 'white',
bottomFace = 'white',
frontFace = FALSE,
rearFace= 'lightgray') %>%
addTo = 'cornell',
id = "ellipse",
diameter = 80,
stroke = 20,
color = '#636',fill = FALSE
) %>%
zfont_font(id = 'font') %>%
zfont_text(zfont = 'font', text = 'Cornell Box',fontSize = 24,translate = c(y = 120),textAlign = 'center') %>%
animation_rotate(addTo = 'ellipse',id = 'rotate',rotate = c(y = 0.05)) %>%
animation_ease_in(id = 'ease',radiansPerCycle = tau/2,addTo='cornell',framesPerCycle = 200,power = 3) %>%
record_gif(duration = 10)
is not required for interactive usage or html renderings. By default, the output is an htmlwidget, that can be automatically displayed in the viewer. This doesn’t work with github_document’s due to restrictions on github so rendering into a gif or an image (save_image
) is necesary.
are invisible elements that one can add shapes to and be used as a reference point.
illustration('illo') %>%
anchor(id ='anchor', translate = c(x = 100)) %>%
shape_shape(addTo = 'anchor', translate = c(y = - 100), stroke = 20) %>%
and copy_graph
functions can be used to duplicate objects. copy_graph
will also copy any children object that an object has. You can change properties of the object you copy by passing additional arguments.
illustration('illo') %>%
shape_shape(id ='point1', translate = c(x = 100),stroke = 20, color = 'blue') %>%
shape_shape(addTo = 'point1', translate = c(y = - 100), stroke = 20, color = 'red') %>%
copy(id = 'copyOfPoint1', what = 'point1',color = 'darkgreen',translate = c(x = -100)) %>%
illustration('illo') %>%
shape_shape(id ='point1', translate = c(x = 100),stroke = 20, color = 'blue') %>%
shape_shape(addTo = 'point1', translate = c(y = - 100), stroke = 20, color = 'red') %>%
copy_graph(id = 'copyOfPoint1', what = 'point1',color = 'darkgreen',translate = c(x = -100)) %>%
Paths from svg files can also be displayed. Chess bishop icon used as an example here was made by by Skoll under CC BY 3.0.
# get an svg file
svgFile = system.file('chess-bishop.svg',package = 'rdog')
# parse the svg file
svg = XML::xmlParse(svgFile) %>% XML::xmlToList()
# extract path
path = svg$g$path['d']
# animate and record gif
illustration('illo',width = 256,height = 256) %>%
svg_path_to_shape(svgWidth = 512, svgHeight = 512,stroke = 1,svgPath = path,scale = .7,fill =FALSE,closed = FALSE) %>%
variable can be used to give some depth to svg paths.
illustration('illo',width = 256,height = 256, rotate = c(y =tau/10, x = -tau/10)) %>%
svg_path_to_shape(svgWidth = 512, svgHeight = 512,stroke =5,svgPath = path,scale = .7,fill =FALSE,closed = FALSE) %>%
Note that setting fill = TRUE
will cause you to lose enclosed shapes in an svg path
illustration('illo',width = 256,height = 256, rotate = c(y =tau/10, x = -tau/10)) %>%
svg_path_to_shape(svgWidth = 512, svgHeight = 512,stroke =5,svgPath = path,scale = .7,fill =TRUE,closed = FALSE) %>%
But some fiddling can still generate a decent looking 3D structure
rd = illustration('illo',width = 256,height = 256 ,rotate = c(y =tau/15, x = -tau/15))
colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("gray60","gray20"))
zAxis = seq(from = -25, to=25 ,by = 1)
for(i in seq_along(zAxis)){
rd %<>%
svg_path_to_shape(svgWidth = 512,svgHeight = 512,
translate = c(z = zAxis[i]),color = colfunc(length(zAxis))[i],
stroke = 2,svgPath = path,scale = .7,fill =FALSE,closed = FALSE)
zAxis2 = seq(from = -15, to=15 ,by = 1)
for(i in seq_along(zAxis2)){
rd %<>%
svg_path_to_shape(svgWidth = 512,svgHeight = 512,
translate = c(z = zAxis2[i]),color = colfunc(length(zAxis))[zAxis %in% zAxis2[i]],
stroke = 2,svgPath = path,scale = .7,fill =TRUE,closed = FALSE)
rd %>% save_image()
Stl files can be read and rendered using the stl_to_shape
function. Note that adding objects with too many polygons will likely hurt performance drastically.
While not necessary, you can use binary_to_ascii_stl
function to convert any binary stl to ascii stl files. This conversion happens internally if you don’t so it’s every so slightly more efficient to use it.
GEB Logo used in this example was made by guru, licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike license. The origin of the logo is “Gödel, Escher, Bach”.
stl = system.file('GEB.stl',package = 'rdog')
stl_bounds = get_stl_bounds(stl)
# we need to subtract 20 from the z axis to center this file
# use objectOffset to center the variable
illustration(width = 150,height = 150,displayType = 'canvas',scale = 2,rotate = c(y = tau/2)) %>%
stl_to_shape(stl = stl,colorAxis = 'z',colorMin = 'gray90',colorMax = 'black',
objectOffset = center_stl(stl_bounds),
stroke = 1) %>%
animation_rotate(rotate =c(y = .01,x = .02)) %>% record_gif(duration = 10)
Let’s take a look at the platonic solids.
platonic = list(
tetrahedron = readLines(system.file('tetrahedron.stl',package = 'rdog')) %>% paste(collapse = '\n'),
cube = readLines(system.file('cube.stl',package = 'rdog')) %>% paste(collapse = '\n'),
octatohedron = readLines(system.file('octahedron.stl',package = 'rdog')) %>% paste(collapse = '\n'),
dodecahedron = readLines(system.file('dodecahedron.stl',package = 'rdog')) %>% paste(collapse = '\n'),
icosahedron = readLines(system.file('icosahedron.stl',package = 'rdog')) %>% paste(collapse = '\n')
illo = illustration(width = 150*5,height = 150,displayType = 'canvas',centered = TRUE)
anchorCenters = seq(-300,300,by = 150)
for(i in seq_along(platonic)){
illo %<>%
anchor(id = paste0(names(platonic)[i],'_anchor'), translate = c(x = anchorCenters[i])
) %>%
stl_to_shape(id = names(platonic)[i],
addTo = paste0(names(platonic)[i],'_anchor'),
stl = platonic[[i]],
colorMode = 'ordered',colorMin = 'gray90',colorMax = 'black',
objectOffset = center_stl(get_stl_bounds(platonic[[i]])),
stroke = 1, scale = 5) %>%
animation_rotate(addTo = names(platonic)[i], rotate = c(y = .01, x = 0.02))
illo %>% record_gif(duration = 10)
Use objectOffset
instead of translate
when centering an STL file otherwise rotation center won’t be correctly aligned.
The coloring of the triangles that make up an object is controlled by colorMode
, colorAxis
, colorMin
and colorMax
. colorMin
and colorMax
is used to create a color gradient that is used to color the triangles. colorMode
controls how the colors are distributed. The default method (“mean”, seen in the GEB example) gets the mean colorAxis
coordinate of each triangle and assigns a color based on that. “extreme” method assigns color based on the minimum and maximum colorAxis
coordinate. “ordered” method (seen in the platonic solids example) assigns color in the order the triangles appear in the file so that each triangle gets a unique color.
rdog’s probably not the best tool for this but here’s a contour based visualization. Note that individual contours are split into smaller pieces and added as shapes. Otherwise long contours tend to have weird z-fighting and become visible when they shouldn’t. Having less shapes is better for the frame rate though so the increasing the groupBy
variable in the code below will be good for performance.
I also use subsample
to get rid of a portion of contour points to make is easier to render and with the stroke volume, it doesn’t drastically change how the map looks.
Note that for this type of rendering, you definetaly don’t want to use an SVG context if you want any animation. Having this many objects in an SVG really slows things down.
# get the elevation data
loadzip = tempfile()
download.file("", loadzip)
localtif = raster::raster(unzip(loadzip, "dem_01.tif"))
#And convert it to a matrix:
elmat = matrix(raster::extract(localtif, raster::extent(localtif), buffer = 1000),
nrow = ncol(localtif), ncol = nrow(localtif))
# scale values to be between -50 and 50 to match the z coordinates they'll get
elmat %<>% scale_to_int(-50,50)
contours = contourLines(z = elmat, nlevels = 30)
# get contour levels
levels = contours %>% purrr::map_dbl('level') %>% unique
# get the difference between contour levels to set the stroke volume
levelDif = levels[2] - levels[1]
# empty illustration with a group to control the contours
rdog = illustration('illo',width = 340,height = 300, dragRotate = TRUE, rotate = c( y= tau/8, x = -tau/10)) %>%
group('contours',updateSort = TRUE)
subsample = 8
groupBy = 32
colors = terrain.colors(length(levels))
for(i in seq_along(contours)){
level =contours[[i]]$level
color = colors[levels== level]
path = seq_along(contours[[i]]$x) %>% lapply(function(j){
c(z = contours[[i]]$y[j]* 250 -125, x = contours[[i]]$x[j] * 250 - 125, y = -level)
# get rid of a portion of points for better frame rate
path = path[unique(c(seq(from = 1, to = length(path), by = subsample), length(path)))]
# split the contour into multiple shapes to help with z-fighting
for(j in unique(seq(from = 1, to = length(path), by = groupBy), length(path))[-length(path)]){
rdog %<>% shape_shape(
stroke = levelDif,
color = color,
closed = FALSE,
fill = FALSE,
addTo = 'contours',
path = path[j:(min(j+groupBy,length(path)))]
rdog %>%
animation_rotate(rotate = c(y = .01)) %>%
record_gif(duration = 12)
An alternative way relies on an external utility: hmm to generate stl files from heightmaps with relatively low number of triangles.
# get the elevation data
loadzip = tempfile()
download.file("", loadzip)
localtif = raster::raster(unzip(loadzip, "dem_01.tif"))
#And convert it to a matrix:
elmat = matrix(raster::extract(localtif, raster::extent(localtif), buffer = 1000),
nrow = ncol(localtif), ncol = nrow(localtif))
# create a png file to use with hmm
heightmap = tempfile(fileext = '.png')
elmat %>% scale_to_int(0,1) %>%
stl = tempfile(fileext = '.stl')
# use hmm to convert the heightmap to stl
system(glue::glue('hmm {heightmap} {stl} -z 400 -t 1500'))
stl_bounds = get_stl_bounds(stl)
# use objectOffset to center the variable
illustration(width = 400,height = 400,displayType = 'canvas',scale = 2,
rotate = c( y= tau/8, x = -tau/10)
) %>%
stl_to_shape(stl = stl,colorAxis = 'z',colorMode = 'extreme',colorMin = 'gray90',colorMax = 'black',
objectOffset = center_stl(stl_bounds),
stroke = 1,scale = .27, rotate = c(x = tau/4)) %>%
animation_rotate(rotate = c(y = .01)) %>%
record_gif(duration = 12)
rdog functions return a shiny widget which can be used in shiny applications using renderRdog
and rdogOutput
functions. Below is a basic app where radius of an ellipse is controlled by a sliderInput
and a spin animation can be triggered by pressing a button. This is done by a animation_ease_in
command with a finite number of frames getting triggered by an observe
code block. Any rdog command can be decoupled from the renderRdog
command block so you can modify individual elements of the of the illustration without re-creating the whole thing.
Note that useShinyjs()
command in the UI is required for decoupled commands to work. I know I should have used something like session$sendCustomMessage
but this was easier for now. This requirement may be removed later.
ui <- fluidPage(
shiny::actionButton(inputId = 'anim',label = 'Animate'),
shiny::sliderInput(min = 0, max = 140, inputId = 'slider',label = '',value = 80),
rdogOutput('dogy',height = 240,width = 240)
server <- function(input, output) {
output$dogy = renderRdog({
illustration('illo',width = 250,height = 250,dragRotate = TRUE) %>%
addTo = 'illo',
id = "ellipse",
diameter = 80,
stroke = 20,
color = '#636',fill = FALSE
) %>%
animation_none(id = 'none')
animation_ease_in(id = 'ease',rdog = 'illo',frames = 120,radiansPerCycle = tau/2,addTo='illo',framesPerCycle = 120,power = 3)
update_property(rdog = 'illo',elementId = 'ellipse', diameter = input$slider)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Note that in the example above, the diameter control did not have to have it’s own observe
block. We could have set diameter = input$slider
within the renderRdog
function as well. However, this would have caused the entire illustration to be re-created at each manipulation of the slider. Not great for performance
Illustartions can be used as shiny inputs. At each mouse click at an illustration input$illustrationId
will be set to a list that contains x
and y
coordinates of the mouse relative to the canvas, along with a random nonce
value to force trigger updates. This allows you to use rdog illustrations as buttons or make them interactive. A list of all active animations is also returned in the input which allows one to avoid triggering the same animation multiple times.
If the displayType
is a canvas
and you click on an object, you’ll also get the id of the object that you clicked along with a non-zero objectNo
. objectNo
s start from 1 and incremented in the order you add the new elements. If you add child elements however, numbers will be shifted since counting happens by iterating over the object tree.
Note that objects created with single commands may occupy multiple ids for their different sides so you may have to experiment a little. For instance shape_box
will have different IDs for each of their sides.
Text added by zfont_text
has no object ids and clicking on text will return the id of the object below that text if there is any. If you want to detect text, you can create a transparent (not invisible) shape that encompasses the text and use that id instead.
ui <- fluidPage(
rdogOutput('check',height = 100,width = 100),
server <- function(input, output) {
output$check = renderRdog({
illustration('illo',height = 100, width = 100,dragRotate = FALSE) %>%
shape_ellipse(id = 'button',diameter = 80, color = 'darkgreen', backface = 'red',stroke = 4) %>%
zfont_font(id= 'font') %>%
zfont_text(zfont = 'font', text = "YES",color = 'white',textAlign = 'center',fontSize = 30,translate = c(z = 20, y = 10),stroke = 2) %>%
zfont_text(zfont = 'font', text = "NO",color = 'white',textAlign = 'center',fontSize = 30,rotate = c(y = pi),translate = c(z = -20, y = 10),stroke = 2)
output$textOut = renderText({
if(is.null(input$check$animations$ease) || input$check$animations$ease == 0){
animation_ease_in(id = 'ease',rdog = 'illo',frames = 60,radiansPerCycle = tau/2,addTo='illo',framesPerCycle = 60,power = 3)
paste0("x:",input$check$x,' y:', input$check$y, " object:", input$check$objectId, " #:", input$check$objectNo)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Bulk of animating is handled by javascript. If you want to write your custom animations, you’ll also want to use javascript even though it is technically possible to handle it in R by using update_property
. Handling animations through javascript will be lighter on the R session and offload that job to the browser.
Below is the R code for animation_rotate
animation_rotate = function(rdog = NULL,
id = NULL,
addTo = NULL,
frames = Inf,
rotate = c(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0)){
# standard processing of rdog inputs.
c(addTo,id,illoId) %<-% process_id_inputs(rdog, addTo, id)
# in javascript, Infinity is Inf
frames = 'Infinity'
# preparing the input arguments
coords = c('x','y','z')
rotate[coords[!coords %in% names(rotate)]] = 0
# create the animation script. this will run the javascript code for the animation function
animationScript = glue::glue(
',.open = '<',.close = '>')
# standard processing of rdog outputs
if('htmlwidget' %in% class(rdog)){
rdog$x$jsCode %<>% paste0('\n',animationScript)
} else if(is.character(rdog)){
Most of this can be copied and re-used for another animation function as it is standardized. You need to change the input variables needed for your animation function and that is about it. The javascript end is a little more complicated.
Rdog_variables.built_in.animation_rotate = function(id, add_to, illo_id, frames, x, y, z){
// standard set-up
Rdog_variables.utils.set_up_vars(id, add_to, illo_id);
Rdog_variables.animFuns[id] = function(){
if(Rdog_variables.utils.terminationCheck(id, frames)){
frames -= 1;
window[add_to].rotate.x += x;
window[add_to].rotate.y += y;
window[add_to].rotate.z += z;
requestAnimationFrame( Rdog_variables.animFuns[id] );
In the code above Rdog_variables.utils.set_up_vars
is a utility function that sets up some memory for the animation and tries to re-create the animation state if the animation is re-called. This is needed because changes to rdog objects in reactive shiny settings will re-create the whole illustration, resetting rotation and translation states. After that a function is defined to deal with the animation frame by frame. Each function should start with
The if clause checks whether or not animation should be terminated. An animation loop is terminated if frames
reaches 0 or another animation with the same ID is launched. This prevents more animation loops to be created whenever there is an update to a illustration in a reactive context, progressively increasing animation speed.
The next lines apply a single frame of animation to the target object
The next two lines create the infinite loop for the animation. They should be at the end of every animation function
And finally the function is called to start the animation loop
Currently all existing animations work by counting frames which may cause objects to have variable speeds in different machines . I will be adding options to control the time passed instead of frame rates. If you want to do this yourself, you need to decrement time instead of frames and pass the remaining time to Rdog_variables.utils.terminationCheck
instead of frames. You should ensure that your animation has reached it’s final stage before the time counter reaches 0, for instance if a full radian turn is requested, the turn should complete before termination. A possible way to do this is manually setting the object properties to the expected result if the timer becomes negative. Still thinking of the best way to implement that myself.
Care should be taken when naming objects. Currently every object gets a variable under window
. Good for easy manipulation, not great for collusions and stuff. If you name any element Zdog
for instance whole thing goes down so you should make sure that you are not colliding with any existing javascript object.
When naming colors, you can use named R colors (red
) or 6 character hexes (#FF0000
, or #FF0000FF
with transparency), 3 digit hexes (#F00
or #F00F
with transparency) should also work for most cases but there are gaps in my javascript that doesn’t account for them. Expect things to break if using more complicated functions like stl_to_shape
cleaner.Rdog hex logo is also made in rdog.
# create polygon lines
r = 120
1:6 %>% lapply(function(i){
x = r * cos(2*pi*i/6)
y = r * sin(2*pi*i/6)
return(c(x = x ,y = y))
}) -> polyEdges
illustration(width = 250,height = 250,dragRotate = TRUE) %>%
# i use individual shapes instead of a polygon because polygon edges do not
# z fight correctly and appear below the dog head on a sideway view.
# shape_polygon(id = 'hex',sides = 6, stroke = 10,radius = 120,fill = FALSE,color = '#636') %>%
anchor(id = 'hexAnchor',rotate = c(z=tau/12)) %>% # rotate the hex to appear the right angle
shape_shape(id = 'hex1',addTo = 'hexAnchor',stroke = 10,color = '#636',path = polyEdges[1:2]) %>%
shape_shape(id = 'hex2',addTo = 'hexAnchor',stroke = 10,color = '#636',path = polyEdges[2:3]) %>%
shape_shape(id = 'hex3',addTo = 'hexAnchor',stroke = 10,color = '#636',path = polyEdges[3:4]) %>%
shape_shape(id = 'hex3',addTo = 'hexAnchor',stroke = 10,color = '#636',path = polyEdges[4:5]) %>%
shape_shape(id = 'hex4',addTo = 'hexAnchor',stroke = 10,color = '#636',path = polyEdges[5:6]) %>%
shape_shape(id = 'hex4',addTo = 'hexAnchor',stroke = 10,color = '#636',path = polyEdges[c(6,1)]) %>%
# create an anchor for the dog head and shit it up and move it to the front a little.
# create a second anchor to rotate a little. if I added the rotation to the previous
# anchor, it would be rotating over the origin point.
anchor(id='dogMainAnchor', translate = c(y = -10,z = 50)) %>%
anchor(id = 'dogAnchor',addTo = 'dogMainAnchor',translate = c(x = -10),rotate = c(y = 1*pi/16)) %>%
# dogs nose
shape_box(id = 'headFront',
addTo = 'dogAnchor',
width = 40, depth = 20,height =25,
stroke = 10,leftFace = '#EA0', rightFace = '#EA0', color = '#E62',
translate = c(z = -10, y = 5)) %>%
# dogs head
shape_box(id = 'headBack',
addTo = 'dogAnchor',
width = 50, depth = 40,height =60,
stroke = 10,leftFace = '#EA0', rightFace = '#EA0', color = '#E62',
translate = c(z = -50)) %>%
# create a group for the eye to control their z-fighting
group(id ='eyeGroup',addTo='dogAnchor') %>%
shape_shape(id = 'leftEye', addTo = 'eyeGroup',color= '#636',
translate = c(y = -20, z= -20, x = -20),stroke = 10) %>%
# copy the leftEye to create the right eye
copy(id = 'rightEye',what = 'leftEye', translate = c(y = -20, z = -20, x = 20)) %>%
# a boopable snoot
shape_ellipse(id = 'nose', addTo = 'dogAnchor',color = '#636f',
quarters = 2, translate = c(z = 10) ,diameter = 20,
stroke = 10,rotate = c(z = tau/4)) %>%
# an anchor for ears
anchor(id = 'mainEarAnchor',addTo = 'dogAnchor',
translate = c(y = -20, z = -45)) %>%
# an anchor for left ear to control poisition and rotation
anchor(id = 'leftEarAnchor', addTo = 'mainEarAnchor',
translate = c(x = -40),rotate = c(z = tau/16)) %>%
# create left ear
shape_ellipse(id = 'leftEar', addTo = 'leftEarAnchor', color = '#636', quarters = 2,
diameter = 40,
stroke = 10, rotate = c(y = -tau/4, x = -tau/16, z = -tau/16)) %>%
# copy the leftEarAnchor and the ear itself and flip it around to make the right ear
copy_graph(id = 'rightEarAnchor', what = 'leftEarAnchor', translate = c(x = 40),
rotate = c(z = -tau/16)) %>%
# code for the tongue
anchor(id = 'tongueAnchor',addTo = 'dogAnchor',translate = c(z = -20,y = 25)) %>%
shape_shape(addTo = 'tongueAnchor', id = 'tongue',stroke = 10, color = '#636',
path = list(c(y = 0,x = 10,z = 0),
c(y = 0, x = -10,z = 0),
c(y = 25, x = -10, z = 0),
arc = list(c(y = 35, x = 0, z = 0),
c(y = 25, x = 10, z = 0))),
rotate= c(x = tau/8)) %>%
# add the font and the text
zfont_font(id = 'font') %>%
zfont_text(zfont = 'font',text = 'rdog',color = '#E62',
stroke = 2,fontSize = 35,translate = c(y = 85),
textAlign = 'center') %>%